Your Guide to Success with Executive Gains: Programs, Assessments, and More

Jun 06, 2024

Your Guide to Success with Executive Gains: Programs, Assessments, and More

A Journey to Transformation

Meet James, a 40-year-old high-powered executive. James was always on top of his game at work, consistently outperforming his peers and leading his team to new heights. However, despite his professional success, James felt something was missing. His energy levels were dwindling, his fitness was stagnating, and his confidence was slipping. He knew he needed a change but didn't know where to start.

One day, while scrolling through his social media feed, James stumbled upon Executive Gains. Intrigued by the promise of transforming high-achieving men into the pinnacle of aesthetics, strength, and performance, he decided to take the plunge. What followed was a journey that not only transformed his body but also revitalized his mind and spirit.

Just like James, many high-achievers find themselves in the same predicament, excelling in their careers but feeling unfulfilled in their personal health and fitness. This is where Executive Gains steps in.

If you’ve made it here, you’re ready to dive deeper into what Executive Gains can do for you.

In my last post, I introduced our mission. Today, we’re getting into the nitty-gritty of how Executive Gains will help you achieve your ultimate potential through our programs, assessments, and resources.


Executive Gains Program

Our Executive Gains Program is the cornerstone of our offerings. It’s an advanced, comprehensive program tailored specifically for high-achieving men who demand excellence in every aspect of their lives. Here’s what the program includes:

Personalized Training Plans: Custom workouts designed to maximize muscle growth, strength, and aesthetics. No cookie-cutter routines here. We analyze your current fitness level, goals, and lifestyle to create a training plan that pushes your limits and delivers results.

Nutrition Coaching: Science-backed meal plans and dietary advice to fuel your performance. Eat like a champion. We provide personalized nutrition strategies that optimize your macro and micronutrient intake, ensuring you have the energy and nutrients needed to power through your day and crush your workouts.

Mindset Coaching: Strategies to build mental toughness, resilience, and a winning mindset. Train your brain to conquer. Our mindset coaching sessions are designed to help you develop the mental fortitude required to overcome challenges, stay motivated, and maintain a positive outlook.

Ongoing Support: Continuous support and adjustments to your plan to ensure you stay on track and achieve your goals. We’re with you every step of the way. Whether you hit a plateau or face unexpected obstacles, our team is here to provide the guidance and support you need to keep moving forward.


Holistic Assessments

Understanding where you are is the first step to getting where you want to be. Our holistic assessments provide a comprehensive analysis of your current fitness level, lifestyle, and goals.

Standard Assessment ($397): A detailed evaluation of your fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle, along with personalized recommendations. This assessment includes a thorough review of your health history, current habits, and fitness level, providing you with actionable insights and a clear roadmap to success.

Elite Assessment ($997): An in-depth analysis with advanced diagnostic tools, including blood labs, DEXA body composition scans, and genetic testing. This isn’t just an assessment; it’s a blueprint for success. The Elite Assessment offers a comprehensive view of your body’s inner workings, identifying areas for improvement and providing targeted recommendations to optimize your health and performance.


Comparing the Assessments:

Standard Assessment:

  • Comprehensive health and fitness evaluation
  • Personalized fitness and nutrition recommendations
  • Lifestyle analysis

Elite Assessment:

  • All features of the Standard Assessment
  • Advanced blood lab testing
  • DEXA body composition scan
  • Genetic testing
  • Highly detailed report of findings and personalized action plan


Who Should Choose Which Assessment?

The Standard Assessment is ideal for those starting their fitness journey or looking for a thorough evaluation of their current health and fitness status. It provides a solid foundation and clear direction for achieving your goals.

The Elite Assessment is perfect for those who want to dive deeper into their health metrics and gain a more comprehensive understanding of their body. It’s tailored for high achievers who demand the best and are ready to invest in their health at the highest level.


Free Testosterone Course

Optimizing your testosterone levels can significantly impact your performance, energy, and overall well-being. Our free testosterone course provides valuable insights into how you can naturally boost your testosterone and enhance your performance. Consider it your secret weapon. This course covers everything from understanding the role of testosterone in the body to practical strategies for boosting your levels naturally through diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes.


Client Success Stories

Our clients are living proof that the Executive Gains framework works. Here are a few success stories:

Hendrix Black, Author - The 7 Initiatory Fires of Modern Manhood:

“What the actual f*&ck is this muscle-building sorcery? I’m up 12 lbs of pure muscle in just 2.5 months — feel more vital at 38 than I did in my early 20’s — and those T-levels…let’s not even go there, man. NSFW.” - Hendrix Black


Will Schiller, Entrepreneur/Business Consultant:

“As a business owner, your physicality increases the level of certainty and confidence you have within yourself. Cody understands not just what’s going on physically, but also mentally, inside your lifestyle, and your emotions… You’ll see great results not only inside your body, you’ll see great results inside your life.” - Will Schiller


Joe Bredar, Tech Entrepreneur:

“Every man is a sculpture in progress. Let Cody help sculpt you - the results will be IMPRESSIVE.” — Joe Bredar


How to Get Started

Ready to take the next step? Here’s how you can get started with Executive Gains:

Sign Up for the Program: Enroll in the Executive Gains Program and start your transformation journey. Click [here] to get started.

Book an Assessment: Schedule a holistic assessment to get a personalized roadmap to your goals. Click [here] to book your Standard or Elite Assessment.

Join Our Community: Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media for ongoing support and motivation. Click [here] to subscribe and follow.


At Executive Gains, we are committed to helping you achieve excellence. Whether you’re looking to build muscle, enhance your performance, or develop a winning mindset, we have the tools and expertise to help you succeed.

Stay tuned for more valuable content and let’s achieve greatness together.

- Dr. Cody

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